This is the picture i took at Haw Par Villa. It is quite small so click on it to get a better view.

I "acdentally" found these pictures in flickr and i think they are quite interesting so...yea post them up here.comment please!!
Well, this is it. The end of our primary life.I have see you grown up, and our memories are unforgettable. We laughed together, cry together, learn together, getting into all sorts of trouble together.Being in this part of the world is the best gift we ever had, knowing each other is the most impossible thing ever done. Friends walk in when the world walk out. Treasure our frendship, understand what we all had gone through. We support each other, help each other up when we fell down. Because of friends, we are able to stand up again, and face the world with great courage.
People had been crying, but it is perfectly okay.Leaving friends are nothing easy to accomplish. It feels like the end of the world, right? The good thing is, this world is fill with countless communication technology.We can keep in touch with different ways. We can also meet up with each other some days.
I will miss you. Forever.
Friday the 13th is indid the most unluckiest day.
In school, i played with a needle which was found stucked on the pin-board. i took it out and stuck it back again, of course, i used a piece of paper as a cover for the sharp point, so that i could use more force.Suddenly the needle poked through the paper and went right into my thumb. Wa lau damn pain but only a few drops of blood came out.(I know, i deserve it, serve me right)After 4 hours the hole gone le.So until now then i remember lah.
That evening, my sister cough.Probably i pass to her(curse myself!)Then my parent brought me and my sis to Chan and Low family doctor.The doctor examined me and asked me why only after 1 month then come to see doctor.(Actually, i went to alot of doctor le, eaten hell lots of medicine, drink damn lots of bitter chinese medicine, but still coughing.Mush be something serious)So he gave me medicine lor.
That night, i have a nightmare, which i still really scare of.I dreamed i was in this game, called Farcry 2.It is a shooting game, and i really addicted to it,but i only play on friday,saturday and sunday.In this dream, i killed alot of people, and finished alot of assasination.One of it was killing this person, whom walked through fire and storm with me.I shot through his head 3 times and after that, i felt really regretted. I woke up immediately and found out that i was crying.REALLY CRYING!!
I lookde at the clock and it was 6.30am.Still tired mah, but still scared, so i hugged my crocodile,a present from Bridget.(Thanks bridget)
I promised myself not to play that game again.
today wake up at 6.25 lor!
so tired!
my mum set her arlam clock to 5 minute eariler.
make me lose my 5mn sleep......
tired mah, sleep at 12am watching TV
So go school at 6.50
go school dream......
dream again......
then recess, wan to eat 鱼肉米粉
Q very short one
but 10 seconds later,
sian, want to eat last time also cannot
so in the end eat chicken chop lor, shortest mah
then go back to class
dream again......
then this teacher called Ms Hani(honey)
come in and teached us proper table manner
for me ar, i think a bit useless lah(for Ms Hayati: hiyee!!!)
because we so big already
it is not that we dunno how to eat lah.......
Anyway school ends lor
then i go home
then rest
then eat again
then use computer again
then [insert name] confess she like CYL
i got concrete evidence!
but i accdentally closed the window
so canot post.
for: [insert name] heng arh!
then i post this lor.
later something will happen:
sleep lah!
good night all.....