these are the pictures i took in malaysia in the holidays(: where was i? oh yea malaysia...
::::::day 1::::::
so i went back le...the next day, WE WENT BACK TO MALAYSIA!
but another part of malaysia...of couse.
so arrived at airport, board the plane...
not bored, cos i was sleeping all the way...worse thing...
i was drooling...
i reach my realtive's house in about another half an hour
and i rest that day, whole day
:::::day 2::::::
play computer all day...
::::::day 3::::::
also play computer whole day
::::::day 4::::::
(you know wad i gonna say );
::::::day 5::::::
at least this time it is better, i get to play fireworks!
and able to light it up myself!!!
gonna post a few video later, if possible
::::::day 6::::::
fireworks again!!!!
::::::day 7::::::
go home
this is the most boring post i ever wrote:(